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Artifacts 3

Page history last edited by Rogelio Campa 15 years, 4 months ago


Rogelio Campa

 Master of Education in Educational Technology


Artifact 3 Report


5.1  Demonstrates ability to conduct comprehensive literature review and provide summation of a relevant

        topic in instructional technology. 


Research Project for 6320 - Instructional Technology


6320-RCampa-Effective Tutorial_final.pdf


5.2  Relates and uses research in instructional technology to justify academic and professional 

        work-related  responsibilities.  

5.3  Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies. 


Responsibilities Met


5.1 Demonstrates ability to conduct comprehensive literature review and provide summation of a relevant topic in

     instructional technology.


5.2 Relates and uses research in instructional technology to justify academic and professional work-related responsibilities.


5.3 Uses research to justify selections of instructional strategies. 


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